How do I view, download or print my QR code?

Your QR codes are automatically generated. You have a QR code to take clients to your subdomain eg. or to an individual form.

View Subdomain QR Code

  1. Click on your subdomain in the top right of your dashboard

  2. Click Print QR Code

  3. Choose your layout from branded poster, sticky label or Scan to Plant a Tree layouts

  4. Click Preview to print the QR code

View Individual Form QR Code

  1. Click your relevant forms in the left of your dashboard, find the form you need and click the dropdown arrow under Manage

  2. Click Print QR Code

  3. Choose your layout from branded poster, sticky label or Scan to Plant a Tree layouts

  4. Click Preview to print the QR code

See also: How do customers sign in with my QR code?

Hello where can I copy & paste the QR code so that I can add it to my business cards and other digital materials I want to submit to a third party for printing?
Do I just copy it from the ‘Print QR code’ function?


Hi Debbie,

Welcome to the community!

You have a couple of options - one is to print the larger QR code and “Save as PDF” instead of printing, then take the QR code from that.

Alternatively, let me know the name of the form, and I can generate just the QR code for you so you can use it for printing :slight_smile:
