Add and embed my Form into a Website

Copy your Embed Code from your dashboard and paste into any website that allows HTML.

Option 1: Embed a button or your entire registration page (eg.

  1. Click your subdomain in the top right of your dashboard

  2. Click Add to Website

  3. Select, copy and paste the code into your website. Choose from a button, your entire registration page or embed a forest badge which displays the number of trees you have planted with your registrations.

  4. If embedding your form page, optionally choose to include your theme design, disable the Theme (embeds your forms on a transparent background with dark text) or enable Dark Mode (embeds your forms on a transparent background with light text).

Option 2: Embed a button or an individual registration form (eg.

  1. Click a set of registration forms on the left hand side of your dashboard (eg. Lead Forms )

  2. Choose the individual form you wish to embed, select the Manage dropdown, and click Add to Website

  3. Select, copy and paste the code into your website. Choose from a button, your entire registration form or embed a forest badge which displays the number of trees you have planted with your registrations.

  4. If embedding your form, optionally choose to include your theme design, disable the Theme (embeds your forms on a transparent background with dark text) or enable Dark Mode (embeds your forms on a transparent background with light text).