[SOLVED] Payment not being taken & Test bookings

I made a test reservation without being asked for payment, is that right?

Hi Peritus

Have you connected a payment gateway and set a base rate on your form?

If so you should be prompted for payment when you hit submit.

Yes Stripe is connected but I have not set a base rate, what is that?

A base rate would be the base cost. So in your case, you are renting watersports equipment. You would have a base rate for you lowest period. The form questions can then add more as they add more time or extra products.

Yes I have added a base cost for each item, but it still did not ask me for payment

Did you connect a payment gateway and enable one of them in this section?

strong text

Thanks for reporting this - we have released a patch today ensuring that registrations are redirected to payments.

For the future, if anyone else runs in this, please ensure…

  1. You have connected a payment method on your “integrations” page.
  2. You have edited each item, and ensured that “Collect payment with PAYMENT_METHOD” is ticked.